Mukti 09 promo video

Mukti 09 promo video out

Trying ubuntu 8.04 and NTFS write support on Linux

I have shifted to Ubuntu after using openSUSE and I must admit that I am totally impressed by Ubuntu. Its repositories are simply amazing. You can search and install almost everything that you require even linuxdcpp. Also I have seen that Ubuntu is highly documented when I was browsing through the LTSP section.

Pen-GUI-n at Mukti 09

Pen-GUI-n event is a new event in Mukti this year. I am assigned to coordinate this event. So I will have to learn some GUI programming for this first. After the exams are over I will learn at least GKT and pyGTk.

Mukti 09 coming up in Feb 09

MUKTI is an annual national level technical symposioum on GNU/Linux and Free Software organinsed by GNU/Linux Users’ Group of NIT Durgapur. This year it is sheduled from 6-8 February, 2009.

Linux Classes

In continuation to the last class taken by Rajat Kansal, I was given the chance to teach some of my juniors some Linux basics. For that I had to re-install Linux which was in a mess due to my TGMC project.