why do we need to attend classes

Last night after a lot of counter strike and a LDTP installation, my back said, “i wont let you sit more”. Then I went to bed and started to think about the classes. Yeah ! I some times also think about my classes.

My first bug fix is now accepted !

It gives me immense pleasure to declare that my first bug fix is now accepted and available in the svn.It was committed to the trunk long back and I was waiting for it to become publicly available. Now it is available 🙂

Fixed one more

Finally I have moved past the difficult time 🙂 and have fixed another bug . Added some general checks to validate the email id and phone number. This one was easy. It gave me some opportunity to work with “GLib” which can be used simply like the general int,chars etc and it has various added features. I have also understood how to use doc packages now.</a>

Difficult Times :(

It happens at least twice a week for me that i land into awkward situations 🙁 .

Amazed by the writing style followed by GNU

As we all know that GNU is itself a recursive acronym which stands for “GNU Not UNIX”. While studying how translations are done and managed in opensource softwares i found out two amazing naming patterns “I18n & L10n “.